My name is Martin Seneca.  I'm an economist specialising in monetary economics, central banking and economic policy.  I work as a Senior Economic Adviser at the Bank of England, the central Bank of the United Kingdom.


I have worked for the Bank of England since 2015 and currently serve as Private Secretary and Economic Adviser to the Governor.  I first became a central banker in 2001 and have previously worked for Danmarks Nationalbank (2001-2, 2003-7), Sedlabanki Islands (2008-10) and Norges Bank (2010-2015).

I have an MSc in Economics from the University of Warwick (2003) and a PhD in Economics from the University of Aarhus (2008).  The title of my PhD thesis was "Aspects of Household Heterogeneity in New Keynesian Economics". 


I have published papers in peer-reviewed academic journals, including the International Journal of Central Banking, the Journal of International Economics, and the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.

You can find my research on Google Scholar.


You can email me here:

My official website is here.